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I Need Life Insurance

Proud Partners in Our Network


Insurance Plans

Find the insurance plan that fits your lifestyle, family planning, and budget.

Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

Life Insurance that pays a benefit in the event of the death of the insured during a specified term.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that provides coverage for the policyholder’s entire life,

Universal Life Insurance

Universal Life Insurance

(often shortened to UL) is a type of permanent life insurance, primarily in the United States of America. Under the terms of the policy, the excess of premium payments above the current cost of insurance is credited to the cash value of the policy.

Retirement Plan

Retirement Plan

If you are worried about outliving your wealth and current retirement efforts, allow us to show you how to build a Retirement Plan you cannot outlive.

About Us

I Need Life Insurance

I Need Life Insurance is a site that is devoted to give you as much information to make an informed decision about life insurance. We understand that buying life insurance is not an easy topic to discuss, but planning for the future while you or a loved one is not around or disabled is extremely important. We thank you for trusting us to give you the information and facts during such a personal time in your life.
I Need Life Insurance

When is the Right Time to Buy Insurance

The right time is now, we have countless real life stories of people who have waited to buy life insurance to later find out they are no longer insurable due to an illness that was discovered while waiting. The most tragic are the families that we have left their homes to allow them to think about a plan they desire, to later find out they have passed on. Do no let this happen to you or your family and contact us today to find the right plan for you and your family.

About Us

I need life insurance to


Protect my family from death or disability

Pay mortgage

Pay off my mortgage in case of death or disability

Pay Expenses

Pay for burial and other final expenses


Transfer wealth to family


A tax-advantaged way to build cash value


Reviews from our happy Clients.

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